Monday, November 30, 2015





隋唐的插花學 春盤賦 與 花九錫

花九锡 唐 羅虬


春盤賦  唐 歐陽詹





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Having eschewed the pleasures of both song and sex, it is to the mountains and the rivers, to flowers and to bamboo that the mind of the recluse of grace and learning turns in pursuit of its divertissements. Mountains and rivers, flowers and bamboo invoke no questions of fame or reputation and lie quite beyond the reach of our impatient scramblings for fortune. The ordinary man, stuck as he is along the precipices of hubbub and within the swamps of profit, his eyes blinded by worldly dust and sand, his heart taxed by his various schemes and calculations, finds himself without the time to enjoy the pleasures afforded him by such things, even were he of a mind to do so. The recluse of grace and learning, by contrast, seeks to avail himself of every opportunity to take possession of that which happens to come his way, if only for the duration of a single day. Dwelling as he does in a place of non-contestation, the recluse of grace and learning is defined by the fact that he relinquishes all things to other men under Heaven; only the mountains and the rivers, flowers and bamboo, these, even were he prepared to relinquish them to others, others would not necessarily be willing to accept. So it is that he lives therein in peace, his possession of these things incurring no calamity [Beneath the laughter his anger and resentment run deep indeed].

Alas, this is a matter of the recluse, the conduct of a hero of considerable resolve, whereas all my life, although I have desired to be such, I have proven incapable of insisting upon it. Fortunately, however, it has been my lot to have oscillated between spells in office and periods of reclusion and if I cannot hope to obtain that which everybody else hastens towards and competes over, I do nonetheless wish to doff my bamboo hat on the heights and to wash my chin-straps in the flowing waters. In this pursuit I have been fettered by the minor official postings that have come my way and the only joys afforded me have been the cultivation of flowers and the planting of bamboos. Even in this respect, my official residences have proven small and mean and moreover I have constantly been transferred hither and thither (忽東忽西),迁徒无常 so I have had no alternative but to have recourse to gall-bladder shaped vases and cut flowers, 不得已乃以胆瓶贮花 changing their arrangements in accordance with the alternation of the seasons. 随时插换 In this way, all the most famous blossoms in the possession of the men of the Capital have all of a sudden become objects of display upon my table. Without having to endure the ordeal of grafting and weeding, watering and bending my back, I have luxuriated in the joy of smell and sight afforded me by flowers, never needing to covet the flowers I pick or compete for those that I happen to encounter [Ah – joy indeed!]. All this, I can write about, and yet such things are but the momentary pleasures afforded one’s mind, and to which one should never become habituated at the cost of forgetting that great joy inspired within one by the mountains and the rivers themselves [A reminder to himself as much as to anyone else!]. I, Master Stone, have made the following record therefore, listing below both the nomenclature and the rankings of the vase, to be shared with all men who are afflicted by the same craze as myself but whose circumstances are similarly impecunious [“…to be shared with… [the] similarly impecunious” – excellent, truly excellent].

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