Thursday, June 18, 2020

姜夔 角招 Jué sháo by Jiang Kui

Jue Shao 角招 is a flute tone in the Jue Mode 角調 (the Chinese Jue is like the western tone mi or la. Jue mode is that the ending note of major phrases and the final note land on mi or la)

This song was said to be in the mode of Zheng Huang Zhong Gong 正黃鐘宮 , the orthodox Huang Zhong Gong mode, which is similar to the western Lydian mode with one sharp (#) on the fourth note of the scale.

The original music notation was using the Song dynasty popular notation (俗字譜) which was designed for fingerings for the flute. I have briefly studied three interpretations from Mrs. Rulan Chao Pian 卞趙如蘭, Mr. Laurence Picken and Mr. Yang Yin Liu 楊蔭瀏, and one recording from Mrs. Liu Chu Hua 劉楚華 from Hong Kong, where the pitches are a half step higher than Picken and Yang's interpretations, and one and a half step higher than Pian's interpretation.

To play this piece on the cello, I decided to take Pian's interpretation of the key where the first and last notes land on E.

To see Laurence Picken's interpretation, please visit John Thompson's website (白石道人歌曲角招).

Jiang Kui's (1155 -1221) note about this piece: Translated by Laurence Picken (1909-2007, an ethnomusicologist from England)

In the spring of 1194, I travelled with Yu Shang Qing in leisurely fashion to the West Lake.
We gazed on the plum-blossom in the western hamlet on Gu mountain:
jade-plum and snow illuminating each other,
the wafted fragrance all-pervasive. Shang Qing returned to Wu Xing.
I followed after along.
Across the mountains hung spring mist. Fresh willows swept the water.
The carefree traveller flew through the flowers.
In a mood of depression I composed this and sent it. Shang Qing was a good singer.
His singing was not professional.
It is my practice to play all the songs I compose myself on the vertical Xiao flute.
Shang Qing, singing on the spur of the mountain, joined in.
It really had the feeling of mountain and forest swathed in mist.
Now I know the grief of separation; Shang Qing has gone to be an official.
I fear this pleasure will not come again.


Translation of the lyrics: (by Laurence Picken)
Because of the spring I am worn thin.
How can I bear again to go round the West Lake where everywhere are weeping willows?
From gazing at the peak beyond the mist,
I remember being with you on the lake, hand in hand,
You went back not long ago.
A thousand acres of fragrant red have fallen early.
A leaf-like boat crosses wavy mistiness,
Traversing the Thirty-six Imperial Lodges, causing the traveller to turn his head.
Still there are on pleasure-boats those who screen themselves behind sleeves,
Green towers where, with fans athwart, each shines on the other, striving in loveliness.
Bright kingfisher-tail diadems gleam.
With care they apply the Palace Yellow paint. But at the present season,
Wounding spring is like the past.
My unsettled spring-heart is like wine.
Writing for the silk of Wu (meaning the guqin), I play to myself,
Asking: Who can explain the intention of this song?
The friend with me in the presence of the flowers?


Chinese pronunciation:
Wéi chūn shòu. Hé kān gèng rào xīhú, jìn shì chuíliǔ. 
Zì kàn yān wài xiù. Jì dé yǔ jūn, hú shàng xié shǒu. 
Jūn guī wèi jiǔ. Zǎo luàn luò, xiāng hóng qiān mǔ. 
Yī yè líng pō piāo miǎo, guò sān shí liù lí gōng, qiǎn yóu rén huí shǒu.
Yóu yǒu. Huà chuán zhàng xiù. Qīng lóu yǐ shàn, xiāng yìng rén zhēng xiù. 
Cuì qiào guāng yù liū. Ài zhe gōng huáng, ér jīn shí hòu. 
Shāng chūn shì jiù. Dàng yī diǎn, chūn xīn rú jiǔ. 
Xiě rù wú sī zì zòu. Wèn shuí shí, qū zhōng xīn, huā qián yǒu.

Single word translation:
為(do, be, for, because) 春(spring) 瘦 (thin)。
何(how) 堪 (bear) 更 (still further, much more) 繞 (go around) 西 (west) 湖 (lake),
盡 (all) 是 (is, are) 垂 (weeping) 柳(willows)。
自(from) 看 (see, look at) 煙 (mist, smoke) 外 (outside) 岫 (mountain peak)
記得 (remember) 與 (with) 君 (respectful address of "you") ,
湖上 (on the lake) 攜手 (hand in hand)。
君 (you) 歸 (return, go back) 未 (not) 久 (long)。
早(early) 亂(state of chaos, means here and there randomly) (落 (fallen),
香 (fragrant) 紅 (red) 千 (thousand) 畝 (acres)。
一 (one, a) 葉 (leaf) 凌波 (rushing waves) 縹緲 (dimly discernible)
過 (travel pass, ) 三十六 (Thirty-six) 離宮 (Imperial Lodges)
遣(let) 遊(travel) 人 (man, people) 回 (turn) 首 (head)。
猶 (still) 有 (there is, have)。畫 (painted, decorated) 船 (boat) 障 (shield) 袖 (sleeves)。
青(Green ) 樓 ( towers) 倚 (side to side) 扇 (fans),
相 (each other) 映 (shines) 人 (people) 爭 (strive) 秀 (flourishing, luxuriant, good)
翠翹 (The ornaments on women's hair resemble bird tails.) 光 (bright) 欲 (intend) 溜 (smooth)。
愛 (love, favor) 著 (dialecte, pour ajouter) 宮 (palace) 黃 (yellow),
而 (and then) 今 (now) 時候 (time, season)。
傷 (wounding) 春 (spring) 似 (like) 舊 (past)。
盪 (to toss about; to swing; washing) 一點 (a little),
春 (spring) 心 (heart) 如 (like, as) 酒 (wine)。
寫 (written) 入 (into) 吳 (Wu) 絲 (silk) 自 (self) 奏 (play)。
問 (ask) 誰 (who) 識 (know, understand, recognize),
曲 (melody, music) 中 (inside) 心 (heart),花(flower) 前 (in front of) 友 (friend)。