Sunday, May 22, 2016

近代中國出土有關琴的文物 About Lyre Unearthed

大陸湖北文物考古研究所公布,棗陽郭家廟曾國墓地近日出土一張春秋早期的琴. 棗陽郭家廟曾國墓是2014年11月到2015年1 月進行挖掘. 

圖/取自湖北日報 棗陽郭家廟曾國墓春秋早期的琴 During late 2014 to beginning of 2015, Zaoyang Guojia Miao unearthed a qin dated back to the early of Spring and Autumn period.  

10 stringed qin from the tomb of Zénghóu Yǐ 曾侯乙, in Léigǔ dūn, Suízhou city 擂鼓墩 隋州市, Hubei Province, dated sometime after 433 BC 十弦琴.

In 1993, a seven string Qin unearthed from Hubei Province  荊門 Jīngmén 郭家店 Guō jiā diàn, a tomb of mid of Warring states period (from 4th to 3rd century BC)  公元前4世纪中期至3世纪初,戰國中期, 七弦琴.

海昏侯劉賀(前93/92年—前59年)墓於2011年三月出土的琴. In 2011 March there unearthed a qin from the tomb of Liu He, Marquis of Haihun at Nanchang city,  Jiangxi Province.

馬王堆漢墓琴及長沙五里牌十弦琴: 這篇王子初先生的撰文  提到"半箱式"與"全箱式," 無徽, 尾部實心並上翹, 與現在的琴實屬兩個系統的產物.而半箱式琴應是流行於楚文化範圍的"楚式琴." 王子初先生說楚式琴流行的同時,可能還有更接近今日合體全箱式琴的存在. 全箱式的琴很可能是在偏北邊地區(中原)的琴式, 但因地理關係,濕濕乾乾的環境無法保存下來, 而無法在出土文物中發現. 全箱式帶徽的琴是到南北朝時的竹林七賢畫像磚上確定那時已存在. 徽大約出現在公元前二世紀上半.

1973年湖南長沙馬王堆3號墓出土七弦琴,現藏湖南省博物館. In 1973, Hunan province Mawangdui unearthed a 7 string qin from the western Han dynasty.

湖南省博物館撰文中有湖北九連墩2號墓出土的戰國浮雕十弦琴. Hubei Province, Jiu Liandun No. 2 tomb unearthed a Warring States ten-stringed lyre with relief (sculpture) surface.
戰國浮雕十弦琴 A 10 string qin from Warring states period. 

以上都屬"半箱式" 無徽琴

From here above, all the qin unearthed are Half (Sound) Box Style and no hui (dots) which is different from the qin we are playing now that is Whole (Sound) Box Style, according to Mr. Wang Zichu who is a Chinese musical archaeologist. He believes that the Half Box Style Qin and the Whole Box Style Qin are two different system.  

Whole Box Style Qin can dated back to Han dynasty the earliest, based on some of the unearthed tomb qin playing figures.