Sunday, January 12, 2014

跪指 Kneeling Fingering Technique

因想確認跪指的其他指頭要怎麼擺, 便查幾位名家網上能看到的影像,可惜沒有吳老的跪指影像
I wanted to see how qin masters doing the left hand kneeling technique, so took what I can find on youtube...

成公亮先生 - 小指微彎, 其他二指亦自然彎曲
Master Cheng Gong-liang - Pinky bent, other two fingers (index and middle) also naturally bent a little bit. 

龔一先生 - 小指伸直, 其他指自然微彎
Master Gong Yi - Pinky straight, other fingers naturally bent a little bit,

袁中平先生- 食指較直,其他指彎曲
Master Yuan Jung-ping - Index finger straight, other fingers bent.

李祥霆先生- 其他三指均伸直
Master Li Xiang-ting - Other three fingers (index, middle and pinky) all straight.

李孔元先生彈滄江夜雨 - 食指較直, 中指與小指彎曲
Master Li Kong-yuan - Index straight, middle and pinky bent.

查指法輯覽,跪指的說明只有到了清道光十三年, 1833年的二香琴譜, 蔣文勳先生的說明中才提到:"名指屈曲兩節按音....凡跪指, 食,中,禁三指最易同屈,要練習至直而不動乃佳." 後人對跪指的其他指的說法便是跟蔣的說法照寫.
According to the Qing dynasty handbook, Er Xiang Qin Pu edited by Jiang Wen-xun in 1833, says that when doing kneeling technique, the other three fingers need to train to be straight. That is the only one explanation of Kneeling Fingering that had mentioned other three fingers' position, the index, middle and pinky.  Later people's explanation basically follow Jiang's explanation.