Thursday, April 23, 2020

姜夔 暗香

今日讀到, 姜夔的詞呈現明顯的賦化, 即心即物, 即物即心, 著意於物, 也著意於心. 兼詩歌與散文於一體.

Today I read that Jiang Kui's poem are obviously influenced by Fu (poetry) style. That is, the heart (or the mind) is the object; the object is the heart. And the focus is on both the object and the heart, with the style that the poetry and the prose are as one.


An Xian (Secret Fragrance) preface:
"In the winter of 1191, I took ship through the snow to visit Shi-hu and stayed a whole month. He gave me notepaper and asked for my verses. He also asked for new tunes. I made these two songs. Shis-hu's pleasure knew no end. He caused two singing-girls to practice them. As he found the melodies pure and the harmony agreeable, he gave them the title 'Secret Fragrance'and 'Dappled Shadows'." -- Jiang Kui (English translation by Laurence Picken)

In former times, the moon's countenance
(Probably on  occasions) has shone upon me beside a plum tree, playing the flute.

I called my beautiful love to rise regardless of the cold; together we picked the blossom.

Ho Shun now is slowly ageing. He has forgotten the springtime style of his early verse.
(* Ho Hsun was a sixth century poet famous for his verses on plum-blossom. Jiang Kui identifies himslef with him.)

Even now, surprisingly, beyond the bamboos, there are scattered flowers. The fragrance coldly enters the banqueting hall.

The River Country is lonely indeed. Sighing I send my thoughts over the long road; the evening snow begins to pile up.

Into the kingfisher-blue wine-cup tears freely flowed; Red-calyx did not speak, disturbed by mutual memories.

Long shall I remember the places where I led you by the hand. A myriad trees screen the West Lake's chill jade-green.

Petal by petal, all is blown away. When shall we be able to see it again?
(English translation by Laurence Picken)

宋 張炎 [辭源] :白石詞...不惟清空, 且又騷雅, 讀之使人神觀飛越
清 先著 程洪 [詞潔輯評]:用意之妙, 總使人不覺, ... 用字高, 煉句密, 泯其來蹤去跡矣

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